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Are you ready to save big on must-have clothing and shoes? Explore the adidas outlet at JD Sports Singapore, which includes dozens of exciting products from the brand, all discounted. If you’ve been waiting to purchase a new pair of sneakers or some fresh threads, this is the perfect opportunity to get them for less!

What’s Included in the adidas Outlet?

Our adidas sale is constantly changing, featuring newly added products from the brand’s ever-growing range. However, you can rest assured that there are plenty of recognisable collections, including world-famous sneakers such as the Samba, Handball Spezial, Campus, and Gazelle. These are available in sizes for men, women, and kids, so everyone can enjoy premium-quality fashion for a low price.

In addition to these eye-catching kicks, we also stock a myriad of cheap adidas clothes, which encompass track pants, leggings, sweatshirts, T-shirts, and more. As with their sneaker counterparts, these clothing items represent the best that fashion has to offer, proudly displaying the adidas three stripes and the Trefoil logo.

Lastly, you’ll want to check out our JD exclusives. This may well be your final chance to get your hands on these products, and now that they can be purchased for a lower price, you’ve got no excuse not to cop a pair for your collection.

Prepare for the adidas 11.11 and Black Friday Sales

Do you want even more deals? November marks the biggest sales period of the year, bringing with it two key events: 11.11 and Black Friday. On these days, we’ll be increasing the number of adidas offers on the JD Sports SG site to include a broader selection of shoes, clothing, and accessories. You can expect to see many of your favourite sneaker collections, though you’ll have to wait until our deals drop to discover exactly what’s available.

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